Back Pain: What To Do


First and foremost, pain is not normal. If your back is hurting it is your body trying to communicate that it needs your attention. When our backs are happy they do not send any pain signals. When things aren’t working properly the body responds in different ways, depending on the severity of the problem. 

What is Proprioception:

Think about the position of your left foot, you knew the position even before you “thought” about it. This is called proprioception, and your back is no exception. Your brain and body are keenly aware of the position of every joint in your back. First thing the body usually does when the alignment is compromised/subluxated is try to prevent further injury. It will tighten up the muscles around the injured joint in an effort to prevent further injury. It is important to see a chiropractor when the alignment is the root cause because otherwise the problem will often keep coming back.

When to stop Stretches:

Stretches done at home during an acute episode can really be a hit or miss because if we stretch in a way that exacerbates the problem, then it can flare it up further. This is not to say that stretching is bad or to be avoided, but it must be done carefully whilst listening to the signals your body is sending you. If you enter a stretch and a person gets the feeling “This doesn't feel right” then that's a sign to stop. 

What to do when back hurts:

Best thing to do when back pain arises is to see your chiropractor and in today's world most chiropractors and medical doctors get along pretty well so having your medical doctor help is a good idea. Getting adjusted by a great chiropractor can make a world of difference, especially when it comes to back pain.

-Dr. Redman