Computers and Neck Pain


Over the course of the last year, many of us have become way too accustomed to sitting at the computer. Whether it be work or leisure, the hours keep adding up, and so does the tension in our neck and shoulders. The reason might surprise you, it's all about posture!

A good rule of thumb:

The position you're sitting in, imagine how you will feel if you stayed there for over an hour. Would you feel tight, achy or maybe in pain?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions you likely shouldn't stay like that whilst at your computer. The general rule is what I like to call, “90/90.” A person's knees and hips should be at 90 degrees when sitting and feet should be touching the floor. The neck position is what is most commonly forgotten when sitting at the computer. Sitting tall and comfortable, be aware of whether the position of the neck is forward or neutral. Forward neck posture, or “text neck” will cause a lot of problems. When looking at the computer screen, remember to look with your eyes and not with your head. This will help keep the neck in a neutral position and hopefully help avoid neck and shoulder pain.

Sitting at a computer is often unavoidable, but we can definitely sit in a more ergonomic and comfortable position that will allow you to avoid neck and shoulder pain.

-Dr. Redman