Apex Chiropractic and Back to school COVID19 


Back to school is such an exciting time! Did you know that kids that have good posture when they are in class actually helps them do better in school? A lot of kids for this upcoming school year will be sitting at a computer much more than they are used to. Make sure that their computer station setup is ergonomic and comfortable.

How to help kids to have a good posture:

One tip is to remember to “sit tall”. But in order to have good posture it is important for it to be comfortable. If working on a laptop try to have the center of the screen at their eye level so that they don't have to look down for hours. Think about it, if we spent all day looking downward our neck wouldn't feel great at the end of the day either. Make sure they have a comfortable chair to sit in such as a good computer chair. Also, make sure that the distance from the computer is appropriate for the child. You do not want them to have to lean forward to see the computer screen, so either adjust the zoom in the browser settings or make sure they wear their glasses if appropriate. If your child is getting new glasses with the new school year ask your optometrist about the blue light coating they can put on the lenses to help protect their eyes from excessive glare from the computer screen.

Bringing the kids to get adjusted at the start of the school year is also a great way to give them an advantage to help them succeed in their studies. Last but not least, parents can lead by example! Make it fun and practice good habits together, sit up straight and tall. Practice this wherever you go, at the dinner table, out to dinner, etc. If you’d like to talk about more tips or need suggestions on ergonomics then come in to get adjusted and we can help!

Be healthy and well,

-Dr. Redman